It’s been busy round my place the last few weeks. We had a wonderful Christmas day with my family and then got to celebrate all again on Boxing Day with my husbands side of the family. It all happens so quickly and then the next you thing you know you’re thinking about New Years Eve.
We also managed to clean up around the place too. We filled a whole skip of stuff we didn’t want. It’s amazing how much stuff you accumulate.
Have you tried these Zumbarons? Adriano Zumbo has the most amazing cakes and sweets.
The beautiful pink flamingo was a hit in the pool, big enough for everyone to have a lie on. You can purchase one from here.
Some of the best presents are the ones that don’t require much, like this little bird Archer got. It doesn’t pooh, require feeding or water, just a few batteries, the perfect pet for him.
We have decided to repaint the whole house. We currently have Dulux Chalk USA on the walls, shown above. I have chosen Dulux White on White, I will share some pictures with you when we are finished.
Happy New Year everyone! I hope you have a fantastic night whatever you are doing, stay safe, and can’t wait to catch up with all in 2015.