It’s always fun to plan for certain events in the future, be that your vegetable garden in the spring, the kind of home investments you’ll make to stay warm in winter, or that driveway refurbishment you need to invest in half a year from now.

The spring can be one of the most fun times to plan for. This is because while you’re busy over the festive period, you may also have some time from your usual working schedule and thus get time to plan.
Additionally, you may find that after the cold weather has run its course in your mind, you begin thinking about the cool stuff you can enjoy when the warm weather comes out to play. A spring garden is right at the intersection of these two things, and so in this post, we’ll discuss how to plan one in advance.
Without further ado, let’s consider how to put together robust spring garden plans and have a blast doing so:
Consider The Correct Plants & Soil Conditions
Researching the sunlight requirements of different species of plants can help you identify what might be best to cultivate in your garden. It’s also good to consider your current soil condition and exactly what you need to do to bring it up to specification, as it were. If your soil is quite clay-like, you may even need to dig and implement purchased soil with additional nutrients. You can also opt for a mix of vegetables and flowers that thrive in your region or that go well with your general home cooking – it’s fine if you just hope to enjoy herbs and spices now depending on where you might live.
Measure The Dimension Of Your Space
Unless you live in a rural area with a wide and large garden, you might not have a huge amount of space to achieve everything. That’s fine, becomes economizing can be worthwhile for good planning, too. Take measurements of your garden with walking measurement wheels to get an exact reading of the distances between places, shrink that down by 1/30th or so, and use these dimensions to plan out where you’ll place certain items. This might involve logs for a garden path, space for a new deck or vegetable patch, or even where your new greenhouse will go. This makes shopping so much easier down the line.
Consider Your Furniture
Great garden furniture can really tie together a wonderful garden space, and so it’s healthy to plan yours in advance. Make sure the outdoor furniture can withstand the elements, and that it fits with the general aesthetic of your property and garden. You can also consider the seating plan and shop for additional comforts like outdoor seating cushions, too. Make sure the furniture is easy to clean where appropriate, and if you purchase second-hand, that you can treat the wood for long term durability. It’s also important to invest in some good covers or even exterior shelter for when the cold weather comes back again – the last thing you need is to repurchase furniture each year due to weathering.

With this advice, we hope you can enjoy planning you spring garden in the best terms.

[…] Never fear, because if you’re tired of dealing with a shabby exterior, there are methods around this. Try some of the following tips, especially if you’re about to prepare your spring garden. […]