Melbourne has been exceptionally cold this Winter.  I am already pining for longer warmer days but we are a long way from that.  So why not embrace the cold and enjoy the things that Winter brings.

Dreaming of Cyprus on the Mediterranean, the closest I will get to that at the moment is with the Cyprus limited edition Glasshouse fragrances launching on 1st August.  It will make your Winter days warmer with the scents of Lavender, Saffron and Sea Salt.

We love cake in our house and we have so many birthdays to celebrate in Winter.

Speaking of sweets, these Smith & Co. candles by The Aromatherapy Co. are so delicious.  My favourite is the Lemon Bon Bon with smells of citrus peel grounded with candied lemon – YUM!

Gorgeous greys for Winter found at Country Road are a few of my favourites.

A cute vignette hidden in a small spot of the Market Lane Coffee shop in Carlton.

I am dreaming of warmer day and nights to enjoy our pool again.

How’s your Winter going?