Just when you think you have everything in perfect order around the home, that’s the moment that something is bound to go wrong. Some of these jobs are huge and will require some specialist knowledge, while others you will be able to tackle yourself. Before you attempt to do anything, make sure that you have an idea of what you are doing. The last thing you want to do is make things worse!

Here are a few common problems around the home and the best ways to solve them.

Low Water Pressure

It can be very frustrating when you are trying to wash your hands and nothing more than a trickle of water comes out. The solution can be as simple as adjusting your pressure-reducing valve. You will find the valve (which is bell-shaped) near the spot where the main water line enters the house. Firstly you need to loosen the locknut and turn the bolt on the valve to adjust the water pressure. A clockwise turn should increase the pressure while an anticlockwise turn will decrease it. Only adjust it a half turn at a time and repeat as necessary. If you have any tasks which require emergency plumbing, get in contact with a professional. Best not to risk attempting these sorts of jobs yourself!


Squeaky Doors


This is likely to be a job that you have been putting off for some time, forgetting about it and then remembering every time you open the door! WD-40 is usually the first thing that people will grab to fix squeaky doors, but it’s unlikely this will provide the best long term solution. While it’s useful for protecting against rust, try using a silicone spray. It doesn’t have the same pungent odor and you shouldn’t find yourself having to repeat the same job over and over again.


Dirty Caulking

Caulking that has been around for a long time around your sinks, bathtubs and toilets not only looks unattractive, it will end up being pretty ineffectual too. Replacing it should be a job that you can do yourself. Apply some caulk remover and let this sit for a few minutes. Next, use a putty knife to carefully scrape it away. After it has gone, apply a thin strip of new caulk and run over it with your finger to provide a smooth look.


Creaky Floorboard

Just like a squeaky door, a creaky floorboard can get very annoying, very quickly. Start by lifting up anything that is covering up the floorboard which is making so much noise. Next, take some talcum powder or flour and spread it around the board and the nails. This should help to ease the friction that is causing the creaking. If this still doesn’t work, use some 50-60mm screws and screw them in next to the existing screws or nails. This will make sure that you are fitting the board to the joist, rather than accidentally drilling through a cable or pipe.