Your little bundle of joy could grow up into a serial slayer and destroyer of interior decors. Indeed, children can go through phases during which they are likely to give fewer thoughts to the possible risks and consequences of their actions. However, it is a natural step of a child’s development, as they begin to discover the boundaries in their world. In other words, children will undoubtedly ruin your decor in a way or another. But there is an age when you can’t blame them for their mistakes. They are learning, after all! Nevertheless, while you can’t be mad at them, it doesn’t change the fact that your interior can suffer dramatically from a prolonged interaction with young kids! Every parent knows that there is nothing more terrifying than a child who has been silent for a long time; it means that they might be engaged in something silly or dangerous. So, aside from childproofing your home to keep it a safe and healthy place for them, you also need to protect your home from your children. Here are some helpful tips and ideas to tackle the 7 worst home decor incidents that are caused by kids without breaking the bank.

How can you protect your home from your kids?


#1. Playing ball games indoors

Let’s be honest. Kids are full of energy. They always want to play, and that’s not a little rain outside that is going to stop them. After all, they can also play ball games indoors, and if they’re careful, you may never know about it. The problem with children is that, while you can see the risks and dangers of kicking a ball inside your home, they don’t. Their brain isn’t able to analyse the different scenarios. As a result, their first reaction is to assume that everything is going to be fine. Ultimately, that’s how windows can get broken. But until the window is indeed broken, your children will not be able to foresee the risk. You can make sure they understand the lesson while you call your local emergency glass repair service. You can make sure to keep plenty of indoors games for those rainy days. Board games, colouring books, miniature workshops or kitchen are some of the best choices to keep young children busy at home!

#2. Dirty fingerprints on the walls

If you are a lover of white-washed colours, you might want to restrain yourself until your kids are a little older. Young children have a very tactile relationship with their environment. You’re likely to find dirty fingerprints on your white walls! It’s a good idea to choose washable paint – which is moisture-resistant, so you are likely to find this kind of paint for bathrooms and kitchens – if you want to be able to clean everything with a wet cloth. Additionally, you can reduce the risks of dealing with dirty marks by choosing a slightly darker shade, such as grey for your walls. Grey has become a trendy and sophisticated colour for a grown-up decor, which gives you plenty of room to play. You can find many greys with warm undertones, which are perfect for creating a welcoming space. Darker shades can be used as a tasteful accent.

#3. Dropping fruit juice on the carpet

Who doesn’t like a fresh glass of fruit juice? Cranberries, orange, multivitamin, and pineapple are some of the favourites. They are filled with vitamins, and, if you choose the right brand, they can be low in sugar too. There’s only one problem with fruit juices: they can leave nasty stains on the carpet! When you have a rug or a carpet, you will need to know a few tips on how to remove the most common stains. If the stain is still fresh, blot it with paper towels and lukewarm water. You can finish by applying a solution of ¼ teaspoon of carpet shampoo and 1L of warm water and blotting the stain with a cloth repeatedly.

#4. Leaving muddy prints indoors

When it’s raining outside, kids are likely to come in running and leave muddy footprints everywhere behind them. To clear mud away, thankfully, you only need to wait for it to dry. But you’ll find it easier to get your children used to taking their shoes off when they come home. It’s a habit you can extend to all your guests to keep your home clean for longer. You can encourage your guests by leaving your shoes at the door, for instance.


#5. Clogging up the drain

When kids are old enough to take a bath or a shower by themselves, they are likely to experiment with all the products that are available in the bathroom. As a result, your drains might get clogged up with a mixture of shampoo, conditioner, soap, perfume and other lotions, without mentioning cotton, hair and non-identified residues. You need to learn how to clear your drains rapidly and effectively. If the clog is close to the surface, you can remove the drain cover and pull off by hand or use a plumber’s snake to reach further down. For a clog made of soap and grease, pouring boiling water down the drain can work wonders!


#6. Leave scuff marks on wooden floors

If you have a wooden floor, you might notice scuff marks where shoe soles or furniture might have scratch against the surface. Children running indoors tend to leave plenty of marks behind them! But did you know that you clean most of it with products you’ve got already at home? An eraser can serve to clean the floor off stubborn marks – alternatively, your rubber-soled shoes can do the same job. Toothpaste and baking soda are mild abrasives that work on wooden surfaces too.


#7. Drawing on furniture

When your children are in the age of drawing, their masterpieces might not be limited to the paper surface. It takes only a few seconds of inattention, and your kids have drawn all over the sofa. If you want to make your life easier, pick furniture that is easy to clean and involve your kid in the process of cleaning when accidental artistic mishaps happen.

Keeping the house clear and clean is a learning process for both children and parents. It’s your responsibility to keep an eye on your children… but be warned that you can’t avoid all accident!