Yes you read it correctly, apparently colouring in could curb your stress.  It all comes down to mindfulness and meditation, all the rage at the moment (this seems to be my theme this week).  Colouring in makes us sit still and focus which in turn can get you centred and find your calm.  I love to colour in and as a child it was one of my favourite things to do.  Now it seems everyone is doing it.


You can download this colouring page here

In France, colouring in for adults has become so popular that colouring books have been selling out.  It seems to be everywhere and even over on Pinterest you can find so much colouring in for adults and kids, just take your pick.



This is one of my favourites, you can download it here

So what are you waiting for, start colouring in to curb your stress.


You can download lots of free pages here

You can read more about why colouring in could curb your stress here on the move nourish believe blog.


I still love colouring in, especially in my journal.


I even like creating my own pages, like this one above.

What about you, do you like to colour in?

