
It’s no secret that I love running.  I try to run most days, depending on how tired I am but when I do have the motivation and commit to running I feel so exhilarated and energised.

That’s why I run.

I also set myself goals.  Now I am no expert, nor am I a personal trainer.  These goals are just my personal goals for running and I thought I  might share them with you.  You could apply them to any form of fitness. I think goals are great.  It gives you the ability to look back and see how much you have improved.


Setting goals is a great way to stay motivated, whether you are a beginner or experienced.



Set specific goals for yourself instead of general goals.

Goals for losing weight or running faster are general goals, be more specific with yourself for example, I want to improve my personal best for 3 kilometres by 2 minutes in 2 months.

Setting a specific goal means you know exactly what you need to accomplish.


Make your goals attainable.  Especially if you are a beginner.  No point in saying to yourself I want walk every single morning.  Why not say I want to go for a walk 5 days a week. That way you are being a little more realistic knowing that trying to go everyday might not be possible for you.

Most importantly make your goals for fitness relevant to you.

No point in following what someone else does, do your goal sheet and stick with that.

Do you exercise regularly or have a fitness routine that you follow?
