Wind farm at night – Image Courtesy of Pexels
Among a few other things, the subject of reducing damage to the planet is a hot topic. But it’s complex and ongoing. So here are some common sustainability questions.
What’s the Difference Between Natural and Organic?
You have probably heard these two terms a lot over the past few years. And they are often used interchangeably. However, they are not the same. Natural products aren’t always organic and are sourced from plants, minerals, and animals. But they can contain harmful substances. Australian Botanical Soap is a perfect example of how natural products should be. Organic products mean everything is cultivated in entirely natural conditions with no interference. The content is almost 100% unaltered with no preservatives or artificial additives.
I’ve Heard of the Paperless Office, But What Is It?
Bill Gates is a huge proponent of the paperless office and began talking about it way back in the early 90s. Possibly to promote sales of electronic office software. However, the paperless office basically means using paper only when it’s absolutely necessary. For instance, if you need to leave a memo for someone, send an email instead. To be fair, these days, you probably use paper a lot less than you think compared to 20 years ago. But there’s always room for improvement. Modern digital communication pretty much rules out paper these days.
Are There Energy Suppliers for Sustainability?
With current energy prices soaring to 60% with more to come in the autumn, you are right to be concerned about energy usage. Fortunately, if you are worried about sustainable living, many choices are available that provide the bulk of your energy from renewable sources. Sources such as geothermal, hydroelectric, wind and solar. However, you sometimes pay a premium because of the increased cost of running these modern technologies. So, it’s up to you whether you think it’s worth paying the extra for greener energy in a time of out-of-control costs.
Are Electric Vehicles Sustainable?
This is an important question. The short answer is yes. Yes, because electric vehicles have 0% emissions when you drive them. Therefore, they are non-polluting and will significantly reduce toxic gasses over the next couple of decades. However, the logistical processes required for their manufacture currently contribute significantly to the global carbon emission output. But it could be argued the ends justify the means. Because in this specific case, the reduction in road emissions is so much more significant than the manufacturing process.
Does My Diet Contribute to the World’s Issues?
As it stands, over 80% of farmland is used to feed the livestock we consume. This contributes significantly to the land issue of sustainable land and sustainable animal rearing. So if you eat meat, then yes. However, there are also so many people in the world that even vegans and vegetarians don’t get off scot-free here. So more farmland is needed to maintain global food supplies than ever before. And our dependence on foreign imports for 24/7 non-seasonal food availability in supermarkets contributes to carbon emissions.
This is only a tiny slice of questions about sustainability. But they are essential. Going paperless, changing your diet, and sourcing renewable energy can help.