No matter what it is you need inspiration for, studying, fitness, healthy eating, weightloss, organising or decorating to name a few, these tips are a great way to keep you focused and inspired.


1. Create a mood board.  I collect all sorts of things for my mood boards, magazine tear sheets, tags off clothing, notes and messages that have been sent to me.  That way if I need a bit of inspiration I can look at my mood board.




2.  Read magazines.  I buy a lot of magazines and get a lot of inspiration from them.  Real Living, Home Beautiful, Inside Out, Fete, House and Garden and Frankie just are a few of my favourites.  Tear out anything you love.





3.  Keep a journal.  This is my journal for this year where I keep tear sheets, gather notes, collect sticks and feathers from the park or photos I’ve taken.  I update this regularly and take it when I go away.


4.  Read blogs.  I get a lot of inspiration from all the wonderful creative beautiful blogs out there.  I have joined Blog lovin (the link is on the right hand side of my blog) and spend time each day scrolling gorgeous inspirational blogs.


5.  Join Pinterest.  Pinterest is an online mood board for collecting pictures and creating your own boards.  I love Pinterest and follow a lot of inspirational people.  You can follow me here.

What keeps you inspired?  Do you have any tips to share, I’d love to here them?

