I’m not sure about you, but our mornings are so frantic.  I will try anything for a smooth morning with my three kids.  It’s so so busy, so today I share my top 5 morning habits for a better day and perhaps they might help you too.



1. Start your day with a positive quote.

I have a few uplifting positive messages in my bedroom.  Just simply quotes that mean something to me.  This one below sits on my dresser and is a lovely reminder that life is beautiful.

2. Look your best, and you will feel your best.

I always find that I have a better day when I try to look my best.  Looking nice gives you a little bit of confidence and puts you in a good mood for the day and then hopefully the rest of the day will just fall into place.



3. Get moving.

As most of you already know I am a runner and love to run early in the morning.  I love the feeling after I have been exercising and it carries with me my whole day.  Give it a try, you might surprise yourself.


4. Eat breakfast.

So so important, and I do believe that if you have a good breakfast it really does make for a better day.  If you are time poor in the mornings, try preparing your breakfast the night before.  At home we prepare banana smoothies and put all the bowls, cups and have the blender ready to go.  It makes for a smoother morning.



5. Whatever you choose to do, do it with passion.

Including your morning routine.  Life is precious so enjoy every moment.  Enjoy that first sip of coffee, ( I know I do) and enjoy eating breakfast together.  If you are grateful for the small things your day will be far better that if you are angry and stressed.


How’s your morning routine?  I hope like these tips and that you can take something from it to make your day great.
