Could You Build Your Own Home?

Ever wanted to build your own home? A self-build can be a lot of effort but it could allow you to create the home of your dreams by designing […]

By |October 4th, 2019|Lifestyle|1 Comment|

Renovate Your Home Without The Stress

Renovations are an amazing way to really put your stamp on your home. You can add a kitchen extension, an extra bedroom or just rip out an out of […]

By |September 28th, 2019|Lifestyle|1 Comment|

Three Good Reasons to Design Your Own Home

When you’re ready to move, it’s all you can think about. Those four walls are feeling more cramped than ever and you can’t wait to make a fresh start […]

By |September 3rd, 2019|Lifestyle|Comments Off on Three Good Reasons to Design Your Own Home|

Essential Home Buyer Tips

Congratulations, no doubt if you are reading this you are about to either buy or build a home.  It could be your first, second or even third home.  It […]

By |June 4th, 2018|Lifestyle|Comments Off on Essential Home Buyer Tips|

Keeping Your Construction Under Wraps

When you’re doing a job which involves something like construction, most people will work hard to avoid letting their project impact those around them. The people in neighboring homes, […]

By |February 22nd, 2018|Lifestyle|Comments Off on Keeping Your Construction Under Wraps|

Home Renovation Tips

Renovating your property is a great way to increase its value and transform it into a home that you truly love, but you shouldn’t dive headlong into a renovation […]

By |April 4th, 2017|Lifestyle|Comments Off on Home Renovation Tips|

International Design Inspiration At West Village

When it comes to international design, I like a mixture of interior styles. When I think about the world’s favoured cities and precincts I think about New York for […]

By |December 7th, 2016|Lifestyle|Comments Off on International Design Inspiration At West Village|

Gina From STYLE CURATOR Top 5 Things She Learnt When Building

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    Gina From STYLE CURATOR Top 5 Things She Learnt When Building

Gina from STYLE CURATOR is taking over the reigns today and sharing with us 5 things she learnt when building her new home.

STYLE CURATOR is a blog about the pursuit […]