For those of you with a little guy or gal in your life that love Lego you will know how easy it is to lose a Lego man.  My son absolutely loves Lego men and will play with them for hours, only problem is we had no where to store them.  They needed to be easily accessible but stored so they wouldn’t get lost.





I saw this idea on Pinterest recently but for some reason I did not pin or like the picture.  Therefore I have not links to the original idea so this is my version of the Lego Man Project.

Quite simply you just buy some clip boards.  I bought mine from my local Newsagent.  You might like to spray the clip board to match the decor of your child’s bedroom.

I then stuck 15 white Lego bricks to the clip board using a hot glue gun.  I just went through the Lego box for spare bricks, no need to buy new ones.

Make sure there is enough room for the Lego man to stand up in between each brick.

Then I hung the finished clip board up so my son could easily get to it.




Here is a corner of Archer’s bedroom.

I have hung a Lego picture from Society 6 to tie in with the theme.




You can get other prints on Society 6 here.






We are so happy with the way this turned out.  Such a great idea and it cost hardly anything, but keeps all these little treasured men in one safe spot.

Let me know if you do this project, I’d love to see it.
